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Sunday, August 1, 2021

How to move all windows in one click between monitors

I've been working with more than one monitor ever since the beginning of the Zoom epidemic, one of the side-effects of the Corona era. My main reason for sticking to one monitor till then was ease of use and the difference of viewing comfort between the larger monitor and the laptop's built-in monitor. And yes, I know that other people would disagree with me, and claim that a two monitors solution is always the easiest and best. To this I would normally reply - to each his own. 

But these, sadly, are not normal times. And thus I found myself needing the extra monitor for the aspect of communications, and a small problem kept raising its annoying little head: How can you move all windows in one action between the monitors?  

The need for this would rise on different occasion, but the most common is when you work outside your regular working place, as you get back home, and reconnect the laptop, all windows remain on the laptop's monitor, and  if you want them to move to the main monitor, you need to do it one by one. 

I am sure you would all agree that this is an annoying thing to do. 

Happily, after being slowly annoyed by this for some time now, I finally took the time to conduct a little search, and ran into a solution, in the name of: Display Fusion, a Multi-Monitor management software. 

Display Fusion brings to the table a lot more that I needed - it has powerful features like taskbars, title bar buttons and fully customizable hotkeys. With a purpose of easy management of your multiple monitors, it kind of seems silly to use it for a single purpose - but it seems justified in my eyes, considering those annoying times of passing one window at a time between monitors. 

Now, all that I have to do is make sure I have one windows in the 'right' monitor, click the new button added to all apps upper bar - 

maneuver the menu, till I get to the "move all windows to the current monitor" option - 

opened tree menu of displayFusion software - showing the move all windows option selected

and there it is ! all windows are transferred to the right monitor, without the past choose and winkey+shift+left-arrow mess for each and every opened window.  

a few remarks before the end of this post: 

1) I was sure there would be a built-in option for this in the operating system - and surprisingly, there seems to be none, and this situation appears to characterize both windows and Linux! 

2) For persons working with multiple desktops or with a desktop (not a laptop) this post might seem useless. Be happy for not encountering other people's troubles (: 

3) DisplayFusion comes in a free version and a paid version. At least at this stage I am using the free version, which suits my needs. As far as I could understand the license agreement this is not a limited-time free usage license, but as always - if you find the cost/effect aspect beneficial - always support developers and pay for the software you use. I intend to do so, once I am satisfied with my trials. 

4) last, but not least, lest it disappears within the text- the Link to DisplayFusion Website

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