Fortune has a great story about the way Apple is being run nowadays, under the leadership of Tim Cook. Definitely worth taking the time to read. Two excerpts which tell some of the story in a nutshell -
- "In mid-April the company took over the Carmel Valley Ranch hotel complex for its first ultra-secretive 'Top 100' meeting since Jobs died. The hush-hush conclave is a rare opportunity for top managers -- not necessarily chosen by rank, but rather by the CEO's assessment of who are the most valuable contributors at any given time -- to learn what products and services are on tap for the next year and a half or so.... the spirit of the meeting was upbeat and even fun. Cook was said to be in a jovial, joke-cracking mood -- a stark contrast to the grim and fearful tone Jobs engendered at the meetings. ... One veteran executive was "blown away" by what he had seen, says someone this executive spoke to afterward. Reports another person with access to top-level Apple executives: 'People came away totally comfortable with where the company is headed.' "
- "...most Apple employees seem more than satisfied with Cook. He often sits down randomly with employees in the cafeteria at lunchtime... Jobs was simultaneously revered, loved, and feared. Cook clearly is a demanding boss, but he's not scary. He's well-respected, but not worshiped"
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